Thursday, June 3, 2010

Social Media Marketing - The Top 10 Mistakes People Will Make in Social Media in 2010

Social Media Marketing- the Top 10 Mistakes People Will Make in Social Media in 2010

Some wonder why they are not getting the traction or friends that they thought they would according to their Social Media marketing efforts. The main reason is that they continue on making the same mistakes in Social Media.
Although, you can increase speed of your Social Media Success at this moment by avoiding these

Top 10 mistakes made by people in Social Media in 2009.
Here they are :

1) Lack of Consistent Visibility.

You cannot make a path and create a presence in Social Media, without CONSISTENTLY being SEEN and HEARD with your message. You MUST create a Presence on the web DAILY- and be seen and heard as part of the community. A tree does not grow part time. It must be consistent in it’s efforts. It is the same with your Social Media marketing.

2) Focusing too much on being heard.

Joining the conversation is not optional anymore. But remember to LISTEN first and THEN talk. Brands have now the opportunity to be a major part of a user’s conversation on Facebook (Twitter, etc.) so take advantage of it. Social Media is about Listening to what is being said- by your prospects and customers- and social media in general. You would never enter a party or social event and immediately start yelling out what you wanted to talk about.
Conversations are through a two way dialogue. By listening to others you will also LEARN. Then you can let your voice be heard and remember only as a part of the existing conversation. Your time to start the conversation will come.

3) Taking, instead of giving to the Social Media Community.

You cannot TAKE without GIVING. You do not want to be part of those who just want, want, want. In the world we live in, it is by giving that you shall receive. As Albert Einstein beautifully said “The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.”
Therefore, Give advice, ideas, recommendations, support, news, possibilities, etc. Also do Give words of Gratitude, as it is a means of Retrospective sympathetic affections. Words of Wisdom to carry on insight
Remember not to take continuously - you will be avoided and branded as spam.
This is the way to go if you want to create a POWERFUL influence.
Remember, excessive daily interactions can result in a significantly dimished per-interaction value. The best online marketers know their limits, and they do their best to ensure that they do not exceed them.
As a tip, you should create a publishing schedule for your posts. You can spread updates out so that you carry on a persistent but unobtrusive dialog with your Fans.

4) Not Joining groups.

Groups are where you can have some of the greatest growth and learning. You learn from others and CONNECT with them.
Groups are a “secret weapon” that you should use on as many social sites as you can. They will make you GROW.

5) Not attending Events.

You should be attending at least 1 event a week to do 2 things: 1) Become more Visible 2) To learn from people that know things you don’t.
Events can be seen as a “Hidden University” of Social Media.
Look at the events that interest you. See if you can learn something.

6) Not enough value in what they are doing.

VALUE governs in Social Media. The type of value that is so sublime, distinguished and unexpected that it surprises the person that discovers it. Show your WORTH. Increase your Value in your POSTS, podcasts, conversations, articles, recommendations. This value will represent Your value and will show what you will be giving to Social media.
Like all authentic and rewarding business relationships, online networks must be nurtured. This way you will also have potential connections find you. Be appealing.
That is how you will become unforgettable.

7) Joining Too Many Social Media sites.

There are about 3,600 Social Media sites. You need 5-7 PRIMARY Social Sites. Then you need maybe 25-30, or even 50 Secondary sites for Link Building (seach engine purposes) and traffic purposes. The main sites that you should be a part of- is up to you. As an example, you can take part these Social Networking Websites : Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon, Plaxo, and Wordpress, Mashable. They can become the body of your Social Media Marketing.
Remember, Facebook alone can keep you busy with over 200 million people. I started by mastering one Social Networking site –Facebook- while continuying on mastering Social Media and then another Social Networking site and so on. This way you will build your primary Social sites.

8) Focusing too much on Monetizing Social Media.

There is nothing wrong with monetization on the internet. It is being done daily and in abundance. But it cannot be your main focus in social media. People do enjoy knowing about new products and sales. But again it comes down to giving it Value before anything else. Then you can invite them to an event, and then at the end of the conference call or webinar-give them a chance to purchase your produst.
We see everyday messages about SELLING SELLING SELLING! Just looking at those 3 words right now does not make me feel good. It is way too obtrusive and noisy.
A better way of doing it would be to GIVE some info about your product and then letting the person ask you for it if they are interested. That represents human interactions….!

9) Thinking that You are Nobody and Social Media Success is for other people.

Ask Chris Brogan. Ask Scott Monty. Ask Alejandro Reyes. Ask Brian Solis. Ask Dave Taylor. Ask Shama Hyder. EVERYONE has a great possibility to becoming SOMEBODY in Social Media. THAT is the beauty of the culture. Everyone who contributes Value and Connection- is more than welcome to achieve whatever they want. Chris Brogan once had 10 readers of his blog. Now he has almost 40,000 people following him on Twitter alone. Brian Clark of copyblogger fame once had 10 readers. The list is endless.
We all have our own strengths - UNIQUENESS and that is where our greatness belongs. Your greatness is the biggest contribution you can give to the world and there is no better place than Social Media to unleash it UPON the world.

10) Not Branding Yourself Strong Enough.

Branding is a tool that we all use in Social Media. To succeed in branding you must understand the needs and wants of your customers and prospects.
Your brand resides within the Hearts and Minds of customers, clients, and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions.
It will be the one thing people will remember you as. The objectives that a good brand will achieve is : delivering the message clearly, confirming your credibility, connecting your target prospects emotionally, motivating the buyer and unite user loyalty.

“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.”